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    Touqir Hussain


    Professor Touqir Hussain is a former senior diplomat of Pakistan, having served as Ambassador to Brazil, Spain and Japan (1998 – 2003). He has held senior positions in the Pakistani Foreign Office, including that of Additional Foreign Secretary heading the bureaus of the Middle East and of the Americas and Europe. He was the Diplomatic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1996 to 1998.

    Professor Hussain has been pursuing an academic career in the United States since 2003. He was a Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace (2004 – 2005) and Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Globalization George Washington University (2006 – 2010). Currently, he is an Adjunct Faculty at Georgetown University and Syracuse University. Earlier, he had also taught at Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) and University of Virginia Charlottesville.

    Professor Hussain has written for American and Pakistani newspapers and publications like Foreign Policy, The Diplomat and The National Interest. He has also written policy briefs for the Middle East Institute Washington D.C. and has been interviewed by the Public Broadcasting Service News Hour, Al Jazeera and Voice of America.

    Areas of Interest and Expertise

    • South Asian Security Issues – Iran, Afghanistan and U.S-Pakistan Relations
    • Civil Military Relations
    • Democracy in the Islamic World
    • Political Islam and Terrorism
    • U.S. Relations with the Islamic World
    +65 6601 2067
    Visiting Senior Research Fellow
    +65 6601 2067
    Visiting Senior Research Fellow


    ISAS Briefs

    Peace in Afghanistan? Too Complicated

    Touqir Hussain

    26 July 2021

    ISAS Briefs

    Kashmir Ceasefire Deal: The Rationale and The Next Step

    Touqir Hussain

    9 March 2021

    ISAS Briefs

    Should Pakistan recognise Israel?

    Touqir Hussain

    29 January 2021

    ISAS Briefs

    Afghanistan: The United States-Taliban Deal and Beyond

    Touqir Hussain

    16 March 2020

    ISAS Briefs

    Pakistan’s Taliban Dilemma

    Touqir Hussain

    16 January 2020

    ISAS South Asia Scan

    United States-Pakistan Relations: New Opportunities And Old Challenges

    Touqir Hussain

    13 November 2019

    ISAS Briefs

    Kashmir – A Pakistani Perspective

    Touqir Hussain

    26 August 2019

    ISAS Insights

    Afghanistan’s Future: How can Pakistan help?

    Touqir Hussain

    20 May 2019