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    ISAS South Asia Discussion Papers

    Collection of papers on key transformations within South Asia

    Navigating India-China Rivalry: Perspectives from South Asia

    Chilamkuri Raja Mohan, Chan Jia Hao

    25 September 2020


    Even before the deadly clashes between Indian and Chinese armed forces in the Himalayas in the summer of 2020 drew international attention to the growing conflict between the two Asian giants, the other South Asian states have been acutely sensitive to the complex dynamics between New Delhi and Beijing.


    The relationship between India and China, emerging integration between South Asia and East Asia, Beijing’s growing footprint in the subcontinent and New Delhi’s expanding engagement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have always been of abiding interest to foreign policy watchers in this region and beyond.


    The Institute of South Asian Studies has put together a set of papers that explores how various South Asian countries are navigating between China that has risen to be a great power and India, which is at the heart of the subcontinent. Together, these papers provide important insights into what promises to be a consequential structural change in South Asian geopolitics.